This is for the v8 and it's ok with v9 and scoreboard ?
BT [Newnet]
Not changed much more in v0_9_beta, just cpu load fix only...
Can you make a change ?
Can you set this for no CTF-BT type but BT.This for server multi-mode easy set.
CTF-BT maps come on all CTF other gametypes.
Like in BunnyTrack3
Can you set this for no CTF-BT type but BT.This for server multi-mode easy set.
CTF-BT maps come on all CTF other gametypes.
Like in BunnyTrack3
Oups bt2 is right not bt3
in BunnyTrack2 you ave to name the maps BT- and not CTF-BT- .
Like that there no sort map problem ... the cft-bt maps not come in column with all other ctfgames like ictf slvctf ctf etc... ...
I can't it's not my level it's a part code.I don't know much more about BT, you have full access try configure...
in BunnyTrack2 you ave to name the maps BT- and not CTF-BT- .
Like that there no sort map problem ... the cft-bt maps not come in column with all other ctfgames like ictf slvctf ctf etc... ...
BunnyTrack2 is not supported with NewNet, try BT5...
Yes but can you modify BT5 or add option in UltimateNewNet.ini for use the sort system like in BT2 ?
Sort system for?
copy Sort system bt2
for past it in bt5
may be UltimateNewNet.UltimateNewNetBT5
copy Sort system bt2
for past it in bt5
may be UltimateNewNet.UltimateNewNetBT5